Basis Of Singaporean Spirit - People Power: Glossary

[This is part of the book: Basis Of Singaporean Spirit - People Power, click here to go to the main page]

Singaporeans are one of the most intelligent, creative, capable, and multilingual people in the World. This is why I am deeply perturbed when Singaporeans are belittled or blamed.

I do not have the slightest doubt that Singaporeans could easily derive synonyms for those acronyms in this book using other languages, even in their native’s.
However, in case your imagination runs wild, here is what those acronyms meant:

CBL stands for Copacetic Being Loony. Copacetic describe a person’s capability as being ok, while Loony means extremely or senselessly foolish. So CBL describe a person who is not able to achieve anything in life.
CTL stands for Consider Taciturnity Lastingly. Taciturnity represents a state of reserved quietness. Therefore, CTL is a suggestion given to people, who do not know how to talk, to keep quiet for as long as necessary.
GL stands for Grating Loftily. Grating means irritating and annoying while lofty describe a state of arrogance. Therefore Grating Loftily describes a person's who is irritating with arrogance.
PLP stands for Phony Lauding Practice. It describes an act of giving false praise simply to make the subject happy.
TL stands for Tolerate Lividly. Livid describes a state where a person’s face is red due to anger. Therefore, TL is used to describe the situation where a person tolerated the anger to the extent that his face is red.

[This is part of the book: Basis Of Singaporean Spirit - People Power, click here to go to the main page]

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