Basis Of Singaporean Spirit - People Power: Preface

[This is part of the book: Basis Of Singaporean Spirit - People Power, click here to go to the main page]


Did you notice the image on the cover page? What do you feel about it?

I chanced upon this little plant growing in a narrow slit under a step of a pavement near to where my boy attended his Taekwondo training.
The moment I saw that, I realised that it shall be the cover page for my upcoming book, “Basis Of Singaporean Spirit – People Power: A Wake-Up Call for Leaders around the World”.
In just a little picture, it clearly and accurately summarised the key message of this book:

Dear leaders, don’t make a fool of yourselves trying to impress people how great or how intelligent you are.
Even if you are the seed of the Hyperion tree (World tallest known living tree, measured more than 100m), if you landed where this plant is, I can assure that you will grow only as tall as that of a cow grass (Axonopus Compressus).

Learn to appreciate the supportive elements that you have, for if you don’t, those elements will move on to support others who are more worthy than you.

[This is part of the book: Basis Of Singaporean Spirit - People Power, click here to go to the main page]

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